VIETNAM, 1965, aquatint, 20 x 15 3/4 in.


1965, aquatint, 20 x 15 3/4 in.

“This is a deep-etch aquatint of a Vietnamese mother and child. I wanted a sense of a mother’s dignity, in the midst of tragedy.” —CK

About Chaim Koppelman’s Vietnam works, Greg and Connie Peters at write:

“Few artists since Goya and William Blake have delineated our state of being with such brilliant imagery as Chaim Koppelman. Like Goya, however, extraordinary circumstances led Koppelman’s art to also speak out in social protest. During the 1960’s, he produced some of the most moving images of the horrors of the War in Vietnam. He stated, ‘For the first time in my life as an artist I felt I had to engage a social theme.’”

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