STILL WHITE LIFE, 1960, o/c, 45 x 30 in.
Still White Life
1960, oil on canvas, 45 x 30 in.
Dorothy Koppelman wrote on this work in the book Aesthetic Realism: We Have Been There—Six Artists on the Siegel Theory of Opposites:
“My belief that beauty can be found in ugliness would never have existed had I not met Aesthetic Realism. Half of my perception would not exist had I not been taught to see that the terror of the world has some real coherence with its beauty. Like others, I have, as a human being, too much in me that is against the meaning of art and the meaning of life. However, on occasion as artist, I have been able to look at the ugliest thing in the world—contempt—and see that it, too, has form….In Still White Life I looked at myself hiding, and saw that the lively legs protruding from the sheet were, in reality, both against what was hidden and at the same time, through the diagonal motion of the painting, completing the hidden with the shown.”
Aesthetic Realism: We Have Been There—Six Artists on the Siegel Theory of Opposites
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