RETIRED NAPOLEONS, 1966, Intaglio & collage, 12.5 x 14.5 in.

Retired Napoleons

1966, intaglio & collage, 12 1/2 x 14 1/2 in.

Chaim Koppelman wrote in Prize-Winning Graphics, Book 7, 1967:

“My print, Retired Napoleons, is replete with opposites. The idea of Napoleon as retired is one of oppositesthe high made low, the active become quiet. Then I wanted to have a play between the flat giving an illusion of depth, and actual three dimensions. The little window opening up on the heads is an actual window. The heads are flat, but give an appearance of roundness and depth. Through the repletion of heads I tried to give a sense of the passing of time and fading. The heads become ever so slightly more grey as they descend. I also wanted to mingle humor and seriousness in this print, mystery and a smile.”

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